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At 6am I rolled out of bed and pulled on jeans and a tee shirt to tend to the garden. My heart was heavy. It has been for many days. I’m not alone.

Sorrow rages against the early summer skies these days.

But this morning, clouds drifted across the morning sky, and whispered, “Beauty. Hope.” The underside of the cloud slate grey. The tops kissed by sunlight.

Jim Wallis describes hope as “Believing, in spite of the evidence, and then watching the evidence change.” And the evidence changes because we step into the gap and take action.

Yes, I believe in hope and beauty.

The sky this morning also reminded me of redemption. A Higher Power, God, the collective goodness of humankind can, and will redeem our actions and their consequences. A Higher Power, God, the collective goodness of humankind will transform the ways we have failed our communities. A Higher Power, God, the collective goodness of humankind will restore shalom.

And I must participate in that. We all must participate in that.