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The maple trees that stand guard outside my house have replaced their lemon-colored hairnets of buds with a spray of green. Soon they will don their emerald crowns.

A downy woodpecker, grackle, and chickadee take turns feeding at the suet cake. 

Yesterday I realized that I haven’t taken time to notice beauty. At least not over these last two months. I’ve allowed COVID-19 to fill my thoughts. The result of that has been that my head has busied itself with plans and ideas, goals and tasks.

All this came clear during a session with my development coach. Talking with her about tasks accomplished and things left undone, l saw how my head has been busy. It’s been so busy that I haven’t given myself permission to just be and to notice beauty. As we talked, I felt the sadness in my heart. Then that knowing “thud” landed in my gut.

How lovely to recognize the maple trees have changed and that the birds take their turns. 

Why is this important? Why do I want to tell you this?

Because I believe that during this time of uncertainty, it is important just be, to breathe, and to notice.