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As we turn the calendar page from 2021 to 2022, it seems like everyone is writing about goals.

So why am I throwing my words into the air? Because I want to go out on a limb, practice integrity and vulnerability, and walk my talk.

Like most of you, I’ve set goals for the year. Like many of you, I’ve done that in previous years. And like some of you, I don’t reach those goals. And yet I know that there are at least three things that assure someone (myself included) reaches their goals: 

  • Envision and embody your goals.
  • Tell others your goals and be accountable to them.
  • Do something concrete every day towards those goals.

Envision and embody

Jane Finette, Michael Hyatt, Richard Boyatzis, and coaches of all stripes (life, leadership, athletic) point out that establishing and living “as if” into your vision makes all the difference. . 

Michael Hyatt and Jane Finette talk about how each day, as they sat down to write their books, they pictured themselves as the writers they wanted to be. They imagined the finished product. Athletes tell stories about imagining and sensing physically the free throw, the pitch, the serve.

It’s our own thinking and self-doubt that limits our abilities to reach our goals. For me, that’s listening to those pestering voices of self-doubt: “Ah, who do you think you are? You really think you can do that?” I give in and give up.

I do to myself what a poor teacher does to her students: She sets a low bar because she doubts the students’ ability to do much better. Yet, when teachers set high expectations for students, and provide them with the appropriate supports to meet those expectations, those students will rise to a new level of excellence. 

So, each day, I am going to make a point to embody the person I’m called to be and see the finished products alive and present.

Which brings me to step number two:

Tell others and be accountable

Tell your goals to someone and commit to being accountable to them on a regular basis. Yup. Accountability. Gather around yourself a few people who know you, have your back, care about your success, will be honest with you, will encourage you when you need it, advise you when you want it, and celebrate when you forget it!

I’ve had a personal board of directors at two critical transition times in my life. I needed outside and trustworthy perspective and wisdom. This year I’m gathering three people together to help me reach my goals—a limited personal board of directors. I will—

  • Tell them my annual goals. (That’s a scary step because those self-doubt voices start screaming in my head whenever I think about saying my goals out loud to someone else!)
  • Give them my weekly goals along with a few concrete action steps towards those goals.
  • Provide bi-weekly progress reports.
  • Ask for their feedback, encouragement, and advice along the way.

And finally, number three:

Do Something Every Day

Do something concrete every day towards your goals. I have eight goals for the year. I’m not working on every one every week or every day. Across the month, though, I am working on each one. Some weeks I’ll focus on one or two of those goals. Other weeks, maybe I’ll move forward on four of them. What’s important is that each day I’m committing to three things (a la Michael Hyatt’s 3 x 3) that move one or more of my goals forward. 

This is especially important for me. You see, I’m one of those folks who gets stuck thinking, planning, and researching. I procrastinate the doing. When I’m discouraged, I sit in the confusion and disappointment. So, I’m going to take my own advice, “Just keep walking.” 

So what?

So, this blog post? It’s an example of how I’m putting all three of these things into action. You see, I’ve committed to publishing a blog post on a weekly basis for the year. (I’ve just admitted that to you. Step #2).

As I started my work day, I imagined a completed post (Step #1) and had scheduled writing into my planner.

And, number 3, I’ve done that work.