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The goal of this website, at least right now, is to offer “a whisper of grace and a touch of mercy to help you through this day.”

To be honest, I needed a “whisper of grace” this morning. All day yesterday I wrestled with three pieces of writing. From the moment I woke this morning, I fixated on the problem of how to tackle and pin even one of the pieces in place.

Trying to avoid the challenge, I scrolled through email and opened a “Facebook Memory” from my niece Heather. She had posted a quotation from Frederick Buechner (one of my favorite authors). The quotation whispered “grace” to me. So, here it is for you:

Because the Word that God speaks to us is always an incarnate word–a word spelled out to us not alphabetically, in syllables, but enigmatically, in events, even in the books we read and the movies we see–the chances are we will never get it just right. We are so used to hearing what we want to hear and remaining deaf to what it would be well for us to hear that it is hard to break the habit. But if we keep our hearts and minds open as well as our ears, if we listen with patience and hope, if we remember at all deeply and honestly, then I think we come to recognize, beyond all doubt, that, however faintly we may hear him, he is indeed speaking to us, and that, however little we may understand of it, his word to each of us is both recoverable and previous beyond telling.

From Buechner, Frederick. Now and Then: A Memoire of Vocation.

Thank you, Heather. Thank you, Frederick Buechner.

Morning light